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I am passionate about empowering women with their self-image and believe a good self-image is key for success. My aim is to motivate, encourage and inspire women to see the potential in themselves.


A motto I would like to pass on to woman would be, "be yourself because there is no one else on earth like you, you are made with an unique and significant purpose. Be different. Be YOU. " I believe that if a woman can love herself and truly embrace her uniqueness she can be confident and accomplish her dreams.


I'm excited about changing the lives of women all over South Africa by helping them gain confidence about themselves. Having overcome a low- esteem I believe that I can help women and girls by sharing my own experiences. Once I was shy schoolgirl who never saw the potential in myself and now I am a vibrant, confident, and enthusiastic woman who is accomplishing my dreams and has achieved many of them too.


I would like to leave you with these words:

'Know who YOU are, and LOVE who you are!'


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